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Sunday, April 27
On-Site Registration
18:00 to 21:00, Omni Hotel, Bayfront Tower, Third Level
Howdy Reception
19:00 to 21:00, Omni Hotel, Bayfront Tower, Third Level
Monday, April 28
On-Site Registration
7:30 to 11:30, Omni Hotel, Bayfront Tower, Third Level
8:20 to 8:30, Ballroom C, Omni Hotel, Bayfront Tower, Third Level
Wendell Horton, Local Organizing Committee
Session 1A. Review Talk. Chair: Diego del-Castillo-Negrete (ORNL)
Mark Raizen (University of Texas), New Frontiers in Controlling the Motion of Matter with Light: From Single Atoms to Neurons
Session 1B. Oral Session. Chair: Diego del-Castillo-Negrete (ORNL)
Dan D'Ippolito (Lodestar Research Corp), Blob Stability and Transport in the SOL Plasma
Session 1C. Poster Session
10:00 to 12:00. Coffee Break during Poster Session
Lunch. 12:00
On-Site Registration
13:00 to 17:00, Omni Hotel, Bayfront Tower, Third Level
Session 1D. Oral Session. Chair: Carl R. Sovinec (University of Wisconsin)
Fatima Ebrahimi (University of Wisconsin), The Three-Dimensional MHD Dynamics of ac Helicity Injection
Valerie Izzo (University of Washington), Relaxation Current Drive in Spheromaks as a Forward Energy Cascade Requiring Sufficient Lundquist Number
Elena Belova (Princeton Plasma Physcs Laboratory), Stability Properties of Field-Reversed Configurations
Luis Chacon (Los Alamos National Laboratory), The Behavior of Current/Vortex Sheets in Extended MHD: A System-Scale Theory for Fast Reconnection?
Session 1E. Poster Session
15:30 to 17:30 Coffee/Beverage Break during Poster Session
Tuesday, April 29
On-Site Registration
7:30 to 11:30, Omni Hotel, Bayfront Tower, Third Level
Session 2A. Review Talk. Chair: Linda Sugiyama (MIT)
8:30 to 9:30
Tetsuya Sato (Earth Simulator Center, Japan Marine Science & Technology Center), The Earth Simulator and Its Impact on Science and Technology
Session 2B. Oral Session. Chair: Linda Sugiyama (MIT)
Dominique Escande (University of Provedence, FRANCE), Linear Theory and Chaos: Breakthrough in the Description of Wave-Particle Interaction in Plasmas
Session 2C. Poster Session
10:00 to 12:00 Coffee Break during Poster Session
Lunch. 12:00
Free afternoon
Fajita Feast. 17:30
Session 2D. Oral Session. Chair: Ron Waltz (General Atomics)
Paul Terry (University of Wisconsin), Zonal Flow Spectra and the Reduction of Collisionless Trapped Electron Turbulence by Nonlinear Damping
Liu Chen (University of California, Irvine), Zonal Flow Dynamics and Size-Scaling of Anomalous Transport
Yang Chen (University of Colorado), Simulations of Electromagnetic Microturbulence with Kinetic Electrons
Kim Molvig (MIT), Enhanced Neoclassical Polarization and its Equivalence to the Pinch Effect
Wednesday, April 30
On-Site Registration
7:30 to 10:00, Omni Hotel, Bayfront Tower, Third Level
Session 3A. Review Talk. Chair: Boris Breizman (University of Texas)
8:30 to 9:30
Dmitri Ryutov (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory),
Scaling Astrophysical Hydrodynamics to High Energy Density Laboratory Experiments
Session 3B. Oral Session. Chair: Boris Breizman (University of Texas)
Alexei Arefiev,
Power Deposition Mechanism in Helicon Plasma Sources
10:00 Coffee Break
Session 3C. Oral Session. Chair: Tom Rognlien (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)
Allen Boozer (Columbia University),
Delta-W Calculation of Magnetic Islands in Plasma Equilibria
Leonid Zakharov,
LiWall Tokamak Regimes and Our Path to the Fusion Power Reactor
Tunde Fülöp (Chalmers University),
Poloidally Localized Fueling Effects on Toroidal Flow and Radial Electric Field