2005 International Sherwood Fusion Theory Conference

2005 International Sherwood Fusion Theory Conference

Apr 11, 2005 - Apr 13, 2005
Stateline, Nevada, USA

The conference contact is:

Tom Rognlien
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
7000 East Ave / L-630
Livermore, CA 94550
Phone: 925-422-9830
Fax: 925-423-3484

Local Organizing Committee
Tom Rognlien (Chair), LLNL
Cynthia Henderson, LLNL
Ron Cohen, LLNL
Greg Hammett, PPPL
Maxim Umansky, LLNL
Andrew Ware, University of Montana

The local administrative assistant for the conference is Cynthia Henderson (henderson44@llnl.gov ). The webmaster is Bill Meyer (meyer8@llnl.gov ).