April 15-17

Abstract Details

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approvedsherwood_poster.pdf2019-04-18 14:01:47Noah Noah Mandell


Author: Noah R Mandell
Requested Type: Poster
Submitted: 2019-02-23 09:49:48

Co-authors: G. Hammett, A. Hakim, M. Francisquez, T. Bernard

Contact Info:
Princeton Plasma Physics Labor
Princeton, New Jersey   08540
United States

Abstract Text:
Gkeyll, a full-F continuum gyrokinetic code, is being developed to study turbulence in the edge region of fusion devices. The edge region involves large-amplitude fluctuations, electromagnetic effects, and plasma interactions with material walls, making it more computationally challenging than the core region. Gkeyll models the turbulence by solving the 5-D full-F gyrokinetic system in Hamiltonian form using an energy conserving high-order discontinuous Galerkin scheme. The code has been extended to include self-consistent electromagnetic perturbations using a symplectic ($v_parallel$) formulation. We present some linear benchmarks that illustrate the success of the electromagnetic scheme and the avoidance of the Ampere cancellation problem. We also present nonlinear electromagnetic turbulence simulations in a model SOL geometry with sheath boundary conditions on open field lines. The effects of electromagnetic fluctuations on the turbulence are discussed.

Please see placement instructions from G. Hammett's submission.