April 15-17

Abstract Details

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Author: Yasutaro Nishimura
Requested Type: Poster
Submitted: 2019-03-06 12:22:50

Co-authors: F.L.Waelbroeck, L.J.Zheng, C.Michoski

Contact Info:
National Cheng Kung Univ, Univ of Texas at Austin
1 University Rd. 70101
Tainan,   70101

Abstract Text:
Ion particle transport in diverted tokamak geometries is investigated for both positive and negative triangularity tokamaks. Analytical Solov'ev solutions [1] is employed for the equilibrium magnetic field and guiding center equation of motion is time advanced. Ion orbital loss mechanism in negative triangularity (NT) tokamaks is significantly different from the positive triangularity tokamaks. Ion loss in the diverted magnetic field line region is enhanced in the NTs, which can possibly prevent a build up of pressure gradient in the edge.The study is extended to incorporate self-consistent radial electric field. A Poisson solver is employed for the diverted tokamak geometry with mesh points aligning on a straight field line coordinate system.
