May 8-10

Abstract Details

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Author: Richard Nies
Requested Type: Poster
Submitted: 2023-03-30 20:28:36

Co-authors: F.I. Parra, M. Barnes, N. Mandell, W. Dorland

Contact Info:
Princeton University
Peyton Hall
Princeton, NJ   08540

Abstract Text:
Through gyrokinetic simulations of strongly driven electrostatic ITG turbulence in the Cyclone Base Case, we study anisotropies of the turbulence between the binormal and radial directions, and the resulting modifications to the critical balance theory of [Barnes et al. 2011] that are required. As the turbulence drive is increased, eddies become elongated in the binormal direction while remaining radially narrow - on gyroradius scales - similarly to the grand critical balance theory found to hold in the MAST tokamak [Ghim et al. 2013]. As a consequence, new scalings - e.g., of the heat flux with respect to the temperature gradient drive, are obtained compared to [Barnes et al. 2011], where isotropy in the perpendicular directions was assumed. The scalings are confirmed numerically using the codes GS2 [Dorland et al. 2000], stella [Barnes et al. 2019], and GX [Mandell et al. 2018, 2022]. The potential role of zonal flows and geodesic acoustic modes in setting the radial length scale of the turbulence is also investigated.
