May 8-10

Abstract Details

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Author: Todd M Elder
Requested Type: Poster
Submitted: 2023-03-31 09:14:54

Co-authors: AH Boozer, A Kaptanoglu, EJ Paul

Contact Info:
Columbia University
400 W 119 St
New York, NY   10027
United States

Abstract Text:
Current potentials provide freedom for unprejudiced current placement to generate a given magnetic surface. The sparse optimization of current potentials is shown to yield delta-function-like bands of current on the winding surface, in effect allowing filamentary coils to form freely on the winding surface. These concentrated current bands provide ideas for stellarator coil simplification as well as good initial guesses for space-curve optimization nearer the global minimum. These results further motivate a re-inspection of the topological properties of current potentials, yielding insight into the optimal use of different coil types - modular, helical, window pane, and vertical field - for coil set simplification.
