Sherwood 2015

Abstract Details

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Incorporation of Collisional Effects in Variational Algorithms for Guiding Center Test Particle Trajectories

Author: C Leland Ellison
Requested Type: Poster Only
Submitted: 2015-01-19 14:20:14

Co-authors: J. M. Finn, H. Qin, W. M. Tang

Contact Info:
Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
PO Box 451
Princeton, New Jersey   08540
United States

Abstract Text:
Variational algorithms have attracted recent interest for conducting high-performance calculations of guiding center test particle trajectories. The power of these algorithms stems from preserving discrete analogues of the conservation laws that govern the continuous charged particle dynamics. This emphasis on conservation laws has led previous variational guiding center algorithms to focus on collisionless drift dynamics. Here, we will demonstrate how the variationally-formulated algorithms may be extended to incorporate dissipative collisional effects. The inclusion of drag and scattering mechanisms on fast particle dynamics is essential for accurately representing the long-term test particle behavior. The benefits of incorporating such effects in otherwise conservative algorithms will be demonstrated in experimentally-relevant tokamak magnetic geometry.


March 16-18, 2015
The Courant Institute, New York University