April 4-6

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approvedsherwood_abstract_meng_li-1.pdf2016-02-15 20:54:46Meng Li


Author: Meng Li
Requested Type: Poster
Submitted: 2016-02-15 20:53:21

Co-authors: B.N.Breizman, L.J.Zheng

Contact Info:
Institute for Fusion Studies, The University of Te
The University of Texas, 1 Uni
Austin, Texas   78712
United States

Abstract Text:
This work presents a numerical procedure for transforming Littlejoin's Lagrangian
for charged particles in tokamak to the action-angle variables. This transformation involves construction of orthogonal magnetic field aligned coordinates. The orthogonal coordinates render a Hamiltonian description of the guiding center motion with two canonical angular momenta and corresponding angles. This procedure helps to identify the energetic particle resonances in the presence of perturbations, which simplifies simulation of the fast ion dynamics.

The poster can go to Computer Simulation of Plasmas section