April 4-6

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approvedjung_lee.pdf2016-04-08 10:26:56Young-Dae Jung


Author: Young-Dae Jung
Requested Type: Poster
Submitted: 2016-02-21 02:43:50

Co-authors: Myoung-Jae Lee

Contact Info:
Hanyang University
55 Hanyangdaehak-ro
Ansan, Kyunggi-Do   15588
South Korea

Abstract Text:
The influence of Dupree diffusivity on the occurrence scattering time is investigated in a turbulent plasma. The second-order eikonal method and the effective Dupree potential term associated with the plasma turbulence are employed to obtain the occurrence scattering time as a function of the diffusion coefficient, impact parameter, collision energy, thermal energy, and Debye length. The result shows that the occurrence scattering time advance decreases with an increase of the Dupree diffusivity. Hence, we have found that the influence of plasma turbulence diminishes the occurrence time advance in forward electron-ion collisions in a thermal turbulent plasma. The occurrence time advance shows the propensity of the occurrence time advance increases with increasing scattering angle. It is also found that the effect of turbulence due to the Dupree diffusivity on the occurrence scattering time advance decreases with an increase of the thermal energy.
