April 15-17

Abstract Details

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Author: Carl M. Bender
Requested Type: Pre-Selected Invited
Submitted: 2019-03-13 01:51:20

Co-authors: (none)

Contact Info:
Washington University in St. Louis
One Brookings Drive, Compton 2
St. Louis, MO   63130

Abstract Text:
Complex-variable theory provides insight into the nature of
physical theories. For example, it provides a simple and beautiful
picture of quantization and it explains the underlying reason for the divergence of perturbation theory. By using complex-variable methods one can generalize conventional Hermitian quantum theories into the complex domain. The result is an exciting new class of parity-time-symmetric (PT-symmetric) theories whose remarkable physical properties are currently under intense study by theorists and experimentalists. Many theoretical predictions have been verified in recent laboratory experiments.

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