April 23-25

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approvedsovinec_sherw18_talk_pptx.pdf2018-04-29 16:52:05Carl Sovinec


Author: Carl R. Sovinec
Requested Type: Pre-Selected Invited
Submitted: 2018-03-01 12:17:05


Contact Info:
University of Wisconsin-Madison
1500 Engineering Drive
Madison, Wisconsin   53706-1

Abstract Text:
Full-scale operation of the ITER experiment will produce plasma thermal energy and releasable magnetic energy on the order of hundreds of mega-Joules. Unplanned disruptions to these discharges will be capable of causing significant material damage to plasma-facing components and electrically conducting structures. Efforts to understand disruptive dynamics, and to engineer mitigation systems, include the development of comprehensive numerical models that can make predictions without destructive testing. This presentation reviews the variety of macroscopic dynamics that can occur during disruptions and covers previous and current efforts to model disruption-causing external kink, magnetic-island braking of flows and island overlap, vertical displacement, and ballooning. Looking forward, comprehensive simulation will integrate macroscopic plasma dynamics, including kinetic effects, with models for neutral dynamics, radiation, plasma-surface interaction, external electromagnetics, and runaway electrons. Practical efforts will require incorporating reduced models, together with advances in numerical algorithms and more efficient use of new computer architectures.

This abstract is being submitted for an invited review presentation (Wednesday morning).