April 4-6

Abstract Details

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Author: Paul Tranquilli
Requested Type: Consider for Invited
Submitted: 2022-03-12 01:44:04

Co-authors: L. Ricketson, L. Chacon

Contact Info:
PO Box 808, 7000 East Avenue
Livermore, California   94550

Abstract Text:
As particle-in-cell (PIC) algorithms for plasma simulation continue to increase in scope and complexity, a rigorous and straightforward method for verifying PIC implementations is desirable to ensure their correctness. In this presentation, we introduce a deterministic method for the rigorous verification of multidimensional, multispecies electrostatic particle-in-cell codes based on the method of manufactured solutions [Tranquilli et al., Journal of Scientific Computing, 2022]. We show that rigorous verification is possible through the exclusive examination of errors in grid quantities, allowing for a very light-weight and non-intrusive implementation in existing particle-in-cell codes. We show numerical results of a 2D-2V multi-species particle-in-cell code which confirm our theoretical claims, as well as ongoing work to extend the method to electromagnetic and gyrokinetic models.

This abstract is a resubmission, as I received no email confirming the receipt of the previous submission. I have also corrected a typo in the abstract.