April 4-6

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approvedlisbon_feb25_talk_akr.pdf2022-03-28 18:48:34George Vahala


Author: George Vahala
Requested Type: Consider for Invited
Submitted: 2022-03-02 22:31:01

Co-authors: M. Soe, L. Vahala, A. K. Ram

Contact Info:
William & MAry
1464 Lake Christopher Drive
Williamsburg, Virginia   23187
United States

Abstract Text:
Qubit lattice algorithms (QLA) are developed for both the full Maxwell equations and the curl-curl subset commonly used in the modeling of wave propagation in a plasma These initial value algorithms consist of an interleaved sequence of unitary collision-stream operators - the collision operators entangle the local on-site qubits, and the streaming operators shift this entanglement throughout the lattice. For inhomogeneous media, the QLA on a minimal qubit basis introduces some non-unitary operators. The Fresnel jump conditions at a dielectric interface for normally incident plane waves are
recovered by an initial value QLA for a pulse, except for the transmitted fields which are augmented by the square root of the refractive indices. These results hold when one considers the reflection/transmission at the boundaries of a dielectric slab. The internal sloshing of waves inside the slab is clearly evident in wave scattering from 2D scalar dielectric objects. This leads to intricate field structures of the emitted waves into the background medium. The QLA representation of the two curl-curl Maxwell equations requires fewer qubits/lattice site compared to the full Maxwell system. (For x-y dependence one requires 6 vs. 8 qubits/lattice site). Our QLA simulations show that the curl-curl subset is a good representation of the full Maxwell system, except for a few non-trivial differences.

This work is supported by DoE, with computations performed at NERSC.
Arxiv papers: 2201.09259, 2111.09745 2110.05480, 2108.06880, 2010.12264, 2002.08450.
