April 4-6

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approvednon_thermal_____cool_____fusion.pdf2022-03-04 10:04:44Bruno Coppi


Author: Alessandro Cardinali
Requested Type: Consider for Invited
Submitted: 2022-03-03 09:55:25

Co-authors: B. Coppi, B. Basu, V. Ricci

Contact Info:
Lungotevere Thaon di Revel, 76
ROMA, MA   00196

Abstract Text:
Radially localized (“captive”) ballooning modes [1], capable of sustaining the transfer of energy from fusion reaction products to the reacting nuclei, have been identified. These modes, which involve high power transfers with acceptable particle density fluctuation levels, can lead to so-called “cool fusion” scenarios with considerably lower temperatures of the fusing nuclei than those associated with simple Maxwellian distributions. For DT plasmas the appropriate frequency of these modes is close to the deuterium cyclotron frequency for $k_⊥ d_i∼1$ and $d_i=c⁄ω_pi$ . Thus, the needed electron temperatures have to be adequate (e.g., around the ideal ignition temperature or higher) in order to avoid significant electron damping by the relevant ballooning mode-particle resonances [1]. These findings, which are consistent with recent experimental observations [2], suggest that evidence for non-thermal fusion should continue to be looked for and a serious effort should be devoted to exploit the advantages of non-thermal fusion burning.
Sponsored in part by CNR of Italy and by the Kavli Foundation (through MIT).
[1] B. Coppi, A. Cardinali, and B. Basu, Paper TH/P 3-5, IAEA, FEC 2021, to be submitted Nucl. Fus. (2021).
[2] R. M. Magee, A. Necas, R. Clary, et al., Nature 15, 281 (2019).
