May 1-3

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approvedgyroaverage.pdf2017-04-30 23:51:52Antoine Cerfon


Author: Antoine J Cerfon
Requested Type: Poster
Submitted: 2017-03-17 13:21:54

Co-authors: J. Guadagni

Contact Info:
Courant Institute - NYU
251 Mercer St
New York, NY   10012

Abstract Text:
We present a fast and spectrally accurate numerical scheme for the evaluation of the gyroaveraged electrostatic potential in nonperiodic gyrokinetic simulations. Our method relies on a reformulation of the gyrokinetic-Poisson system in which the gyroaverage in Poisson's equation is computed for a compactly supported function instead of the non-periodic, non-compactly supported potential itself. We calculate this gyroaverage with a combination of two Fourier transforms and a Hankel transform, which has the near optimal run time complexity O(N log N), where N is the number of discretization points for the spatial grid. We show numerical examples illustrating the performance of our code and demonstrate geometric convergence of the error.

I would like to have my poster either on Monday or on Tuesday.