Goals of the Sherwood Fusion Theory Conference
The goal of controlled thermonuclear fusion research is to develop a safe, environmentally benign, and essentially inexhaustible source of energy for the future.
A conference is held annually and shall be known as "The Annual Controlled Fusion Theory Conference" and is also commonly referred to as the "International Sherwood Fusion Theory Conference". Attendance and presentation of research papers shall be invitational on the following topics:
o Plasma Properties, Equilibrium, Stability, and Transport
o Physics of Plasma Edge and Divertor Region
o Plasma Production and Heating
o Computer Simulation of Plasmas
An appointed Program Subcommittee is responsible for soliciting and selecting review papers and oral contributed papers, and arranging the annual conference program.
Program Subcommittee's Mission Statement: to provide leadership in the planning and execution of the Annual Conference for the communication of recent results in the physics of controlled fusion.
This conference is conducted in accordance with the International Council for Science (abbreviated ICSU, after its former name, International Council of Scientific Unions). ICSU is an organization devoted to international cooperation in the advancement of science. ICSU promotes the participation of all scientists in the international scientific endeavour.
of controlled thermonuclear fusion research is to develop a safe, environmentally benign, and essentially inexhaustible source of energy for the future.
Papers are solicited on the following topics for the International Sherwood Fusion Theory Conference:
- Plasma Properties, Equilibrium, Stability, and Transport
- Physics of Plasma Edge and Divertor Region
- Plasma Production and Heating
- Computer Simulation of Plasmas
Committee's mission statement: to provide leadership in the planning and execution of the Annual Conference for the communication of recent results in the physics of controlled fusion.
This conference is conducted in accordance with the International Council of Scientific Unions guidelines on free circulation of scientists.