April 4-6

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Author: Bhimsen K shivamoggi
Requested Type: Pre-Selected Invited
Submitted: 2016-02-12 10:26:24


Contact Info:
Univ of Central florida
Dept of Mathematics
Orlando, FL   32816-1

Abstract Text:
Electron MHD (EMHD) admits two integral invariants: the total energy and total generalized magnetic helicity (Shivamoggi[1]). The invariance of the total generalized magnetic helicity is shown to imply the invariance of the sum of the linkage of magnetic field lines, the linkage of electron-flow vorticity field lines and the mutual linkage among these two sets of field lines. The topological barrier provided by the linkage of of the generalized magnetic field lines gives rise to a lower bound on the total magnetic energy. This lower bound is shown to be reduced further in EMHD due to contributions from total electron-flow kinetic energy and the total electron-flow enstrophy. The implications of these theoretical results for the magnetic reconnection process in EMHD are discussed.

[1] B. K. Shivamoggi: Euro. Phys. J. D vol 64., p.393, (2011).
