April 4-6


  • Monday Evening Open Discussion

    Envisioned New Directions for Fusion Research
    Monday, April 4, 2016
    Madison Ballroom

    During the past year the scientific press has shown to be aware of the fact that fusion research can be pursued along diverse paths.  Many of us in the fusion community feel that the basis which gives stability to our field of research consists of the recognition for the need for an in depth understanding of basic plasma collective processes, of the connections and contributions from our field to other areas of research such as space physics (e.g. space weather) and astrophysics, of the development of new technologies, materials (e.g. high field superconductors) etc. that are important to other fields.  Taking these factors into account what are the most fruitful and realistic directions that we envision for fusion research in the relatively near term?

  • Abstract Submission

  • Registration Information

  • Airports
    ·      Dane County Regional Airport (MSN)
    ·      General Mitchell International Airport (MKE)

  • Banquet: Tuesday, April 5, 2016 (cost included in Registration Fee for attendees)

    Saralyn Stewart
    Email address: stewart@physics.utexas.edu
    Phone: (+1) 512-694-2320