Abstract Details
Author: Cami S. Collins
Requested Type: Poster
Submitted: 2024-04-15 08:56:57
Co-authors: J.M. Park , V. Badalassi, W. Elwasif, R. Archibald, J.W. Bae, R. Barnett, K. Borowiec, J. Candy, M. Cianciosa, B. Dudson , M. Eldred, A. Gainaru, Y. Ghai, E. Hassan, C. Holland, R. Lefebvre, O. Meneghini, A. Sircar, P.B. Snyder, J. Solberg, G. Staebler,
Contact Info:
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
One Bethel Valley Road
Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37831
United States
Abstract Text:
The Fusion REactor Design and Assessment (FREDA) SciDAC project is building a flexible, integrated physics and engineering tool for fusion reactor design, assessment, and optimization. FREDA aims to shorten time to viable designs by providing a set of flexible workflows to support various stages of the design process using an integrated model hierarchy, ranging from the simple analytic descriptions to the highest fidelity, theory-based plasma and engineering modeling developed by the fusion and fission communities. The backbone is IPS-FASTRAN with newly developed coupled Core-Edge Pedestal-SOL (CESOL) workflows, which is being extended to the far-SOL region up to the plasma facing components. FREDA incorporates the FERMI engineering modeling suite and will enable self-consistent evaluation of the thermal shields, limiters, blanket, magnets, and other surrounding structures with predictions of temperatures, erosion, dpa, activation, tritium generation and transport, creep, corrosion, material degradation, etc. Parametric generation of 3D CAD enables rapid iteration of component geometry in response to plasma and loading specifications. Goals and initial progress on the 4 main project objectives will be presented, which are: 1) Complete the framework and workflows to fill the fusion-plasma physics modeling gaps needed for timely support of FPP design, 2) Implement and advance fusion-engineering modeling for coupled, multi-fidelity plasma+engineering assessment and rapid design optimization, 3) Demonstrate targeted plasma+engineering simulations and evaluate the robustness and achievability of a reactor design point, and 4) Utilize advanced HPC framework and workflow management to efficiently couple and execute physics and engineering components.
* This work was supported in part by internal ORNL laboratory directed research and the US Department of Energy under DE-AC05-000R22725 and FWPs ERAT837, ERKJ421, SCW1827, and 2023-SNL-23026391.
integrated modeling / current SciDAC project