Abstract Details
Author: Nathaniel M Ferraro
Requested Type: Poster
Submitted: 2024-04-17 07:54:05
Co-authors: N. Ferraro, C. Liu, M. Martin, S. Saxena, A. Wright, Y. Zhou
Contact Info:
Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
100 Stellarator Rd
Princeton, NJ 08543
United States
Abstract Text:
New developments in the M3D-C1 extended-magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) code provide unique new capabilities for stellarator modeling. In addition to the ability to model the nonlinear MHD evolution of strongly-shaped stellarator plasmas, including W7-X and LHD, new capabilities are now under development or being tested to calculate resistive linear stability; to calculate fast-ion transport self-consistently with MHD evolution; to interface calculated equilibria (with potentially nonintegrable magnetic fields) with neoclassical codes; and to include a bootstrap current model in quasisymmetric configurations. Interfaces to neoclassical codes are done using Fusion-IO, an application programming interface that provides a code-independent interface to data from a variety of MHD and equilibrium codes. These developments will provide a unique new set of tools for high-fidelity stellarator design validation and for the analysis of MHD simulation data.