Abstract Details
Author: Andreas Kleiner
Requested Type: Consider for Invited
Submitted: 2024-03-29 14:58:17
Co-authors: N.M. Ferraro, B. Lyons, M. Reinke, R. Sweeney
Contact Info:
Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
100 Stellarator Road
Princeton, New Jersey 08543
United States
Abstract Text:
Recent developments to the M3D-C1 code enable higher fidelity modeling of disruptions, and can be applied in the design verification of reactor-scale tokamaks. Among these new capabilities is a method to mesh conducting vessel structures such as coils and passive plates, packing of the toroidal mesh around gas injectors, as well as anisotropic resistivity inside the vessel structures. We present extended-MHD simulations of disruption mitigation via massive gas injection (MGI) in SPARC. The goal of this study is to inform the disruption mitigation layout of SPARC and aid in the design of an effective gas injector configuration. Fully three-dimensional simulations with M3D-C1 are carried out for various injector configurations with the primary goal of determining the effect of different MGI parameters on heat loads and vessel forces. The simulations include a model for impurity ionization, recombination, advection and radiation, as well as spatially resolved conducting structures around the plasma. A localized mixure of deuterium and neon with a small toroidal and poloidal width is injected in up to six locations. We demonstrate that M3D-C1 can model a rapid shutdown via massive gas injection using narrow and more realistic gas plumes than in previous simulations. As a result of the $q=1$ surface in the SPARC baseline case a sawtooth is observed early in the simulations. Despite the sawtooth and the onset of edge MHD instabilities, the impurity distribution remains localized around the injector locations, but enables a radiative shutdown of the plasma. We find that using the maximum of 6 gas injectors results in a lower peaking factor and leads to a more even distribution of radiation toroidally than using 2 injectors.
*Work supported by Commonwealth Fusion Systems and by the US Department of Energy under contract DE-AC0204CH11466. This work was funded under the INFUSE program - a DOE SC FES private-public partnership.