May 6-8

Abstract Details

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Author: bruno coppi
Requested Type: Poster
Submitted: 2024-04-09 20:26:29

Co-authors: P. Ferraris, B. Coppi, G. Faelli, E. Boggio-Sella, R. Spigler, Ignitor Program Members

Contact Info:
77 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, Massachuse   02139
United States

Abstract Text:
The Ignitor Program [1] has produced the first complete design of a machine capable of approaching ignition regimes based on normally known conditions and adopting well tested structural and current conducting materials. The current design, referred to as Ignitor EVO, is being updated consistently in order to take the results of new and significant experiments into account and to benefit from developments of technology and materials science that have become known. Given the proven ability of high field compact machines to produce well confined plasmas with a wide range of collisionalities, Non-thermal (“Cool”) Fusion processes can be fruitfully investigated with them. Another important possibility is that of inducing high currents in low and high density plasmas in order to adopt the most appropriate current drive procedures and means. Given the pressing need to investigate meaningful burning plasmas, Ignitor has pioneered the development of large MgB2 superconducting magnets of the kind adopted for the largest poloidal field coils. Collaborations on near term high field superconducting magnets will be maintained with U.S. and European research and industrial institutions in order to identify the most suitable materials for the innermost machine magnets where the highest fields have to be produced.*Sponsored in part by C.N.R. of Italy.
[1] B. Coppi et al., Nucl. Fusion 55, 053011 (2015).
