Abstract Details
Author: Gabriel S. Woodbury Saudeau
Requested Type: Poster
Submitted: 2024-04-11 14:19:22
Co-authors: M. Cianciosa, J. Hanson, S. Hudson, D. Maurer, D. Panici, J. Schmitt, A. Ware
Contact Info:
Auburn University
380 Duncan Dr
Auburn, Alabama 36832
Abstract Text:
An important aspect of the study of toroidal magnetic confinement devices is the numerical calculation of three-dimensional MHD equilibria. This is facilitated using different codes that each make their own assumptions to arrive at their calculated plasma equilibrium. This study aims to compare the same stellarator system using four different codes, VMEC, SPEC, SIESTA, and DESC, and investigate their similarities and differences. VMEC is a well-used tokamak and stellarator Ideal MHD code which assumes nested toroidal flux surfaces (NTFS). SPEC is another code that is used for both configurations, but it does not assume NTFS’s, rather it assumes a stepped pressure profile to avoid singular currents. SIESTA makes a similar assumption as SPEC where it does not assume NTFS’s, but it can switch between Ideal and Resistive MHD in its calculations. DESC is a python code that, like VMEC, assumes NTFS’s, but rather than using Fourier modes for the poloidal and radial coordinates, it uses a Fourier-Zernike basis set. We also will showcase a new capability of SIESTA, where non-resonant/symmetry-breaking magnetic islands can be observed without significant increase in computation time. Quantitative and qualitative comparisons of the different equilibria will be presented.
Work Supported by the U.S. DOE under Grant DE-SC0023486 at the University of Montana and Auburn University, and under Contract DE-AC05-00OR22725 at Oak Ridge National Laboratory.