April 4-6

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Author: Eliezer Hameiri
Requested Type: Poster
Submitted: 2016-02-12 11:59:15


Contact Info:
Courant Institute - NYU
251 Mercer Street
New York, NY   10012

Abstract Text:
Following our work on the Ertel surfaces for multi-fluid plasmas [1], we work out the
analogous case of an unmagnetized classical fluid. The case of a compressible and non-
isentropic fluid is intriguing because it is typically not considered by fluid dynamiscists who
mostly deal with incompressible fluids or with equations of state of the form p = p(), but
not when p also depends on the entropy. In the general case, the vorticity is not strictly
carried by the fluid, but nevertheless there are still surfaces in which its toroidal and poloidal
fluxes are conserved, a notion more familiar in plasma physics than in fluid dynamics.
In carrying out this work it is necessary to find all independent constants of the motion,
which are used as constraints in a variational principle. It is also necessary to distinguish
between toroidal and cylindrical equilibria, since the number of constants of the motion is
not the same for both. We are able to show in each case that we have indeed accounted for
all the constants. This formulation allows the simple consideration of stability, which will
also be discussed.
[1] E. Hameiri, Phys. Plasmas, 20, 092503 (2013)

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